Cylinder Head Ford Model A & Model B Aluminium High Compression 7:1 GEM
Cylinder Head Ford Model A & Model B Aluminium High Compression 7:1 GEM
Part Number + Internal Code
Part Number + Internal Code
- Gray
- Aluminum
- High performance
- Performance upgrade
- Direct fit
- New
Manufacturer Type
- Aftermarket
Manufacturers Site (links off site):
Cylinder Head -GEM Aluminium High Compression 7:1 - Ford Model A & B
This is the Ultimate Cylinder Head for Ford Model A and B owners.
Belcher Engineering have developed and manufactured this Model A and B cylinder head specifically to the increase performance of your Vintage Model A or B.
With 7:1 Compression and made of LM24FT ally in cast form it fits a standard water pump and distributer.
Note this is a higher compression than regular police heads.
This Cylinder head comes as part of a kit that includes: The cylinder head, spark plugs, head gasket and BE Quality Controlled and Manufactured High Compression Head Studs.
We have been manufacturing and selling these cylinder heads for many years and they are well proven and reliable.
Watch performance run at Pendine Sands:
(It does not include a water pump, distributer or other accessories shown on some of the pictures).
Currently out of stock, with a new batch that has been cast and will start machining shortly. Expected Spring 2025 for delivery. (We are taking deposits.)
Important Information
Note that this head is not suitable for engines with a white metal bottom end.
The head is designed around standard Model A Valves, however they could be altered to accommodate larger valves as there is material/space available. Clearly further machining work would invalid our warranty and be at the owners risk.
You can expect some marks on the machined side of the head, this often forms as part of the casting process. It is not a quality control process issue, note the heads are chemically dipped to ensure the are not porous. These marks will have no material impact on the heads performance, they occur on most non polished aluminium castings.
Please note that most performance parts increase the wear on an engine. BE is not responsible for any premature wear or failure to customers engines as a result of using our parts/performance equipment.